Chromatin negative nuclei buccal smear
Chromatin negative nuclei buccal smear

When hairs are present as circumstantial evidence these can help in solving case when it may not be possible from any other evidence. Hair is trace evidence and it is crucial for solving criminal case to determine sex of a person in many situations. Hair may be present in all most all type of crime scenes and mostly in violent offences such as rape, assault, murder and road accident. The Barr body was first found by Barr and Bertram in the nuclei of the nerve cells of cats. Root sheath cells are resistant to autolysis hence sex determination can be done even in decomposed bodies. In forensic medicine sex from hair can be determined in decomposed bodies and mutilated bodies. However, determining the age and gender of a subject based on hair morphology is not widely accepted. Microscopic examination of hair can indicate species, race, body and method of removal. Keywords: Hair Root sheath Barr body Aceto-Orcein StainĬurrent methods of forensic hair analysis rely upon comparisons of either hair morphology or DNA. This is important for medico legal purpose. Mostly (33%) Barr bodies were observed in age group between 26-30 years and found absent below eight years of age and above 40 years of age.Ĭonclusion: Variations in the percentage of Barr bodies varies with age in human females and thus plays a very important for determination of age. Results: In the present study, 50 hair samples were studied to know that how hair can be used in forensic investigations in determination of age through Barr bodies present in the hair. Hair root sheath cells after staining were studied for Barr bodies under the microscope. Samples were cleaned with ethyl alcohol and hair bulb was cut with help of scalpel and the hair was put on slide and stained with aceto-orcein stain. Hairs for analysis were taken out from the plastic bags using the forceps. The collected hair samples were stored in sterile plastic bags and were labeled. Material and methods: 50 rooted hair samples were collected from the students of different age groups. The present study was intended to study the age of a person and percentage of Barr bodies in different age groups of human females. The presence of Barr bodies indicates that sex of the person as female. Barr bodies can be seen in hair root sheath cells. He had a right indirect inguinal hernia treated by herniorraphy at the age of 16 years.Hairs are potentially ubiquitous types of trace material which is found in most of the violent offences such as murder, assault and rape etc. The right breast had at times been tender but there had been no secretion from either breast. Gynaecomastia had been present for z months, affecting first the right and then the left breast. H e was admitted to hospital for the investigation of a slowly growing, painless swelling in the right testis, which he had noticed for 3 months. since then, testicular tUmOUrS CASE REPORT The patient, a man aged 30 years, was the superintendent of a children’s home. In 1915 Cooke suggested that a substance which activates the mammary gland may be elaborated both by chorion-epithelioma a n d by the normal placenta. JULL LATE LECTURER I N CANCER RESEARCH, UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS ENLARGEMENTthe male breast in association with a of testicular tumour was first described by Garabini i n 1899. JOURNAL OF SURGERY AN OESTROGEN-SECRETING SEX-CHROMATIN-POSITIVE TERATOMA OF THE TESTIS, ASSOCIATED WITH GYNAECOMASTIA BY D. There had then been a leftsided gynaecomastia which He had a right indirect inguinal hernia treated by herniorraphy at the age of 16 years. An oestrogen‐secreting sex‐chromatin‐positive teratoma of the testis, associated with gynaecomastia An oestrogen‐secreting sex‐chromatin‐positive teratoma of the testis, associated with gynaecomastia

Chromatin negative nuclei buccal smear